At the Club we regret that numerous supporters have had cause to complain regarding the Service they have received from Ticketmaster and our Membership Bureau (Synchro Systems).
We have been working hard with both of these suppliers to resolve the teething problems that have been encountered that have resulted in you not receiving the service you have a right to expect. We are now pleased to report back to you on the changes that have been made that we believe will see an end to the problems that have been experienced.
Ticketmaster has requested that we publish the following apology:
"We apologise to all fans of Fulham Football Club who have experienced a variety of difficulties in purchasing tickets using our service.
Whilst we want to make no excuses to you we have faced unforeseen technical problems with the operations of the new ticketing system and membership database that we introduced for Fulham this year.
In addition, we have experienced some basic customer service issues that have added to the problems that you may have encountered.
We are confident that we are now in a position to offer you the service promised to the Club to enable you to buy your tickets quickly and easily.
Furthermore, as a gesture of goodwill, all Members will be sent a voucher that will entitle the Member to book the game of their choice without a booking fee (postage will still be charged).
We hope this will go some way to showing you all that we are sorry and we mean to get this service right for you." This will happen within the next 3 weeks.
Key service enhancements that have been made to the Ticketmaster Service:
As well as resolving the data problems with Ticketmaster the following service improvements have been made:
* If a telephone operator experiences any difficulties in processing a Ticket order rather that the onus being on you to phone the Club/Membership Department, fast track enquiry/call transfer lines have been put in place from Ticketmaster to both the Club and Membership Department.
* All telephone operators will give their name upon answering the phone - this gives you the chance to report details of an operator who is not giving the standard of service expected.
* All ticket applications will be processed and despatched within 24 hours of telephone purchase. If you have not received your ticket within 3 days you should telephone Ticketmaster immediately to report this. We recommend that the registered postal option is used to ensure safe delivery of tickets. The £2.50 charge for this includes all handling as well as actual postage costs.
* In instances where you have experienced difficulties, Ticketmaster will forward details to the Club's Customer Services Department who will contact you to follow up and resolve issues.
* Season Ticket Holders will be given a separate dedicated phone line to the one that Members currently use.
* Unless otherwise communicated, Members and Season Ticket Holders can buy up to and 3 tickets for home League games. This will be subject to change for certain games - the club will publish details.
* Junior members can buy adult tickets as part of their additional allocation. Households which buy tickets for more than one member can have more than four tickets in an envelope sent out.
* Fulham and Ticket Master have instituted a revised customer services training programme for telephone operators to improve their knowledge of the Club as well as ensure they understand the Club's ticket allocation policy.
Unfortunately teething problems with our new database and ticketing software have resulted in some of you experiencing delays in getting your membership cards. The current situation is that there has been a two week backlog of membership applications however cards are guaranteed to be despatched by Wednesday 26th September 2001.
If you have any outstanding issues regarding your membership, please e-mail providing full name and address details or write to the Club using our Freepost address (no stamp required) Customer Service, FREEPOST LON10348, London, SW6 6BR. We will deal with any enquiries that we receive as a matter of urgency.
Source Fulham Football Club