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Letter from Fulham Chairman Shahid Khan

last updated Monday 04th May 2020, 1:08 PM
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Fulham Football Club

Monday 4 May 2020 10:30

To Fulham Football Club supporters and partners,

Shahid Khan
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As we begin the month of May, I thought it was appropriate to take a moment to thank you for your continued support and interest in Fulham Football Club. To lose some degree of engagement during this global pandemic is certainly understandable, but there is no question that the Fulham community is as tightly connected as ever.

For instance, I am in constant contact with CEO Alistair Mackintosh and am updated daily by my son Tony, who serves you as the Club’s Director of Football. The word I hear from both is enthusiasm and optimism are still very much in great supply, both within the Club and among our supporters and partners. Our players have stayed healthy and safe, and those who were injured have got themselves fit for whatever may await. And I understand that our fans have taken this opportunity to interact and celebrate in the memories of the Europa League run in 2010 on its tenth anniversary, and that’s been great fun for everyone.

All of this underlines the fact there are few, if any, clubs like Fulham. While we do not know what is around the corner for the 2019/20 season and the game itself, what we do know is when we return, there will be no loss in the sense of family, tradition and belief that are signatures of Fulham Football Club. That’s abundantly evident to me and hope it is to you as well.

I am also very proud, but far from surprised, at the work your Club is doing in the community to serve residents and groups that need a helping hand and have historically counted on Fulham to offer one. We are not disappointing them. In fact, we’re often rising to the occasion in heroic fashion.

As an example, it was recently reported that our Club’s team doctor, Dr. Justin Yeoh, is currently caring for some of London’s most vulnerable residents during this global health crisis. What’s important to note is he is doing this as a volunteer and did not seek attention or publicity for his efforts. It’s a selfless act, and I know many other staff members – as well as players and supporters – are also doing their part as good citizens to see their neighbours, friends and all of us through this pandemic. That’s the Fulham way.

One update I want to share is to note that our commitment to Fulham Pier is no less today than prior to the pause in our season on March 13. As a matter of fact, construction continues just as it would have otherwise, with crews adhering to strict safety and social distancing practices as prescribed by borough and city officials. While all of us at Fulham are mindful and respectful of the situation the entire world is experiencing with this pandemic, our continued progress on the project is good news that I thought we could use and is appropriate to share.

Finally, on behalf of my entire family and everyone at Fulham Football Club, I want to commend the courageous men and women on the front lines of this unprecedented battle in London and throughout the world. To everyone who is committed to our well-being and conquering COVID-19, from health care workers to those who keep store shelves stocked with daily essentials and many, many others, thank you! And to everyone reading this, please consider that the best way to honour these good people is to respect all mandates and recommendations by our health and public officials. That will not only help to ensure our health and wellness, but theirs as well, and better days for all.

Thanks for reading and staying close, and best wishes to everyone.

Come on, Fulham!

Source Fulham FC
Since 1998
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