We are excited to announce the launch of the first Fulham FC Alexa Skill!
Hear all the latest Fulham FC news and views from Fulhamweb as well as player birthdays and previous results from today or any specific date!
To get started, simply say "Alexa, open Fulhamweb."
Once the skill is enabled, other options include:
- "Alexa, get the latest from Fulhamweb" - hear the latest news from the Fulhamweb
- "Alexa, ask Fulhamweb what happened today" - hear Fulham player birthdays and results from today’s date on previous years
- "Alexa, ask Fulhamweb what happened on the 20th of August" - hear Fulham player birthdays and results from a specific date on previous years
Find out more about the Fulhamweb skill here : Fulhamweb - Latest Fulham FC news and views: Amazon.co.uk: Alexa Skills or why not buy an Amazon Echo here :